
Guangdong Anchises Technology Corporation has hired more than 20 well-known lighting designers in the industry from home and abroad in order for its products to be based in Asia and to the world. They focus on product structure, appearance, light effect, glass technology, precision casting of hardware, surface color matching. And under the united efforts, new models of new products are constantly being introduced, leading the trend of the lighting industry.

Designers from home and abroad are not only single-minded but also stable. They take root in Anchises and they collide with the spark of inspiration. The unique design elements of China and the West are reflected in Anchises original products all the time. Domestic designers are more focused on drawing lessons from the long history of 5000 years of history. The designed products bear the imprint of China’s growth, which is luxurious and beautiful; products from foreign designers are more focused on modern development from abroad Design elements refined in civilization, with a strong modern sense, simple but not simple. Some products blend the essence of Chinese and Western design and are unique in the international market.

 The design team of Anchises has always used its original intention to launch countless classic products for the Chinese and foreign markets regardless of the market ups and downs, so that the market is rushing. In the hearts of consumers, the brand of Anchises is heavily branded.

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